Letting go is hard – a sad story with a happy ending…

This story tells of an incredibly kind gentleman who was responsible for saving many puppies whilst living in Spain. Two of them were dachshunds who became much-loved members of his family. Sadly, recent events have meant he has had to make a heart-breaking decision.

letting go is hard

10 years ago, whilst living in Spain our gentleman came across a pet store in Barcelona selling puppies. Upon entering the store, he realised something was not right and that the welfare of these puppies was a cause for concern.

He got together with a group of friends to raise some funds and try to rescue the dogs. They returned to the store and brought at least twenty puppies between them and placed them with loving families.

On a visit to the vet, it transpired these dogs were only approximately 4 weeks old and not the 8 weeks he had been told upon original inquiries!!

Further investigations revealed these puppies had been transported from Eastern Europe and removed from their mothers far too early!! We can only imagine the suffering that occurred during this journey and the conditions they had experienced.

Rehoming | Adoption | Emergency Fostering

The dachshund in the picture was one of those puppies so you can see what a happy and healthy life now lay ahead because of the gentleman rescuing him.

Sadly, the rules and regulations about animal welfare in parts of Europe are not as stringent as those in Great Britain. So, it was no surprise when 6 years later our dachshund owner came across another similar dreadful situation.

Rehoming | Adoption | Emergency Fostering

Again, he felt he needed to help, and he came to the rescue of several puppies who were in poor health and with uncertain futures ahead. This time he found a beautiful female black and tan dachshund who would make the perfect companion for his first rescue.

It is so sad to know upon talking with this lovely man that illegal transportation of puppies across Europe is being allowed and how breeders are abusing the welfare of so many beautiful dogs to cause unnecessary suffering for thousands of dogs just to try and make money!!!! It is truly upsetting.

2 years ago, our rescuer came over to England with his dachshunds having achieved something special during his time in Spain. Imagine his devastation when changes in family circumstances meant he had to contact Dachshund Rescue and surrender the 2 dachshunds he had saved!!!

His dachshunds saved his life and kept him through some extremely tough times. But he had to accept that he could no longer give them the life they deserved.

Rehoming | Adoption | Emergency Fostering

He had to work, and he wanted his dachshunds to continue to be happy and be given the care he had given to them throughout their lives. He felt like he was betraying them after all the love and joy they has given him. Letting go was so hard for him.

Dachshund Rescue was able to find a wonderful home for the two dachshunds and the gentleman was reassured by the coordinator as to how they were settling and being extremely well looked after.

This is a recent story, and the owner is still very emotional. It is hoped that he will find comfort in knowing his dachshunds will have a happy and loving future. Letting go is hard but he should feel incredibly proud of his actions in rescuing so many puppies and hopefully, given time, reflect positively on what a special thing he did.

Rehoming | Adoption | Emergency Fostering

If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of needing to rehome your dog, for whatever reason, feel free to reach out to your local Dachshund Rescue coordinator. We have a UK-wide team. You’ll find their contact details here

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Rehoming | Adoption | Emergency Fostering

Claire who represents the Yorkshire area matched us with our first Daschund and made the whole process so smooth and professional. Our Reggie is an amazing little boy who is making himself at home well and truly! We’re so grateful to Claire for her ongoing advice and guidance she’s amazing! ❤️🐶
Michaela Gordon Avatar
Michaela Gordon
I took in my little Albie 10 days ago. At five months old all he needed was a little love and attention. He thrives in every situation and I’m so proud at how well he is doing. Being described as not trained at all, he is pretty much trained in all aspects already. From the scared little boy in the crate, he is a confident fun loving companion. My coordinator was Linda who was super helpful and I couldn’t be more grateful 💕
Jessica Davison Avatar
Jessica Davison
Great communication, Sue was very friendly and helpful. Glad we got to meet Rolo and give him a loving home.
Shane Morris Avatar
Shane Morris