The rule of 3. These are the recognised stepping points and guidelines which are there to help the owner of a rescue dog understand how their new arrival is settling into their home. They are there to help us understand that a rescue dog will need time and patience and that the new owner is aware that wonderful relationships do not always happen overnight!!!!
Different dogs will respond differently to the new situation and environment they have seen placed in, but the following information gives strong indications as to the progress and behaviour you might expect……
In the first 3 days the new environment may be completely overwhelming!!! They may be scared and unsure. Not eating and hiding away in a quiet place may be their way of showing their stress or constant pacing about the home 😔It is important not to panic and allow them the time and space to settle and decompress. As their reaction to you at this point may be unpredictable it is advisable to wait for them to approach you when they are ready!!
After 3 weeks they should be settling down and more comfortable. This can be the most difficult time!!! Their true personalities may start to emerge alongside some issues with behaviour!!😱 They may start to test the boundaries and must be taught what is acceptable. It is so important to the successful future of the rehome that your dachshund recognises you are the one setting the rules!!! Time for discipline and clear messages!!!!!😯 Always let them know the love is there too💙
3 months into the process your new addition should be feeling settled and comfortable. They may well be forming a bond of trust with you and gaining a sense of security within the family. They may well have a routine that encourages their confidence and better behaviour. Hopefully, from here the relationships will continue to strengthen and deepen until you wonder how you ever survived without this precious dachshund in your life😄💙
Remember these are only indications as to how a rescue dog may respond and develop. The message behind the advice however is absolute….
Please give time and don’t think overnight success is inevitable. Be patient and expect some difficult times!!! With perseverance, the results can be incredibly rewarding💙💙💙